 About Me
My Birthing History
Samson's Story
My Birthing Philosophy
Placenta Encapsulation
Benefits of Divine Doula
Partners & Doulas: Working Together
Divine Doula in the News



Congratulations on the impending arrival of a new family member into your home! Your body will be going through many changes in the childbearing year, along with your emotions. Hiring a doula through this time in your life will enrich your experience and allow you to enter labor, delivery, and parenthood with increased confidence.


hands covering pregnant belly



Many people ask, "What is a doula?" A doula accompanies a woman in labor and provides physical, emotional, and educational support, which results in a more satisfying birth experience.


I provide certified labor doula services for Littleton, Denver, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Lakewood, Westminster, Thornton, Golden, Morrison, Englewood, Castle Rock, Lone Tree, Sedalia, and in some cases, Colorado Springs. If you live outside of these areas and are interested in my services, please contact me to see if accommodations can be made.


I work with women and their families in hospitals, birth centers, or home births. I am educated in various birthing methods including The Bradley Method, Birthing From Within, Hypnobirthing, Hypnobabies and stay up to date on the lastest breastfeeding methods and VBAC statistics.