 About Me
My Birthing History
Samson's Story
My Birthing Philosophy
Placenta Encapsulation
Benefits of Divine Doula
Partners & Doulas: Working Together
Divine Doula in the News

Thank you for checking out my website. My name is Misty (Divine) Rauscher, owner and founder of Divine Doula. Originally from Nebraska, my husband David and I have made Lone Tree, Colorado our home since 2001. We love the natural beauty of the state and all the opportunties to be outside, whether hiking, biking, running, or just playing at the park with our kids.




                                        Angie Schutt Photography


The birth of my children opened my eyes to the beauty that bringing a baby into the world could hold. After talking to many women about their birthing experiences I realized in a lot of these cases, the beauty was missing. Due to misinformation or not enough information, these women were being robbed of the experience they could have. I found myself being an advocate and informal teacher and wanted to take this passion into the delivery room as a labor doula. I want to be there to gently explain natural alternatives to mothers and guide her down the birthing road, fully supporting her, never leaving her side until her precious baby is in her arms.


I am a member of Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Organization (CAPPA). In addition to being a certified labor doula, I am also a Life Coach that helps women get it "done" in other parts of their life and stop waiting for permission to live their dream while being a mom. I  also hold a Bachelors Degree in Human Services and previously worked with the elderly and disabled population, enabling them to live proudly at home, despite their circumstances.