 About Me
My Birthing History
Samson's Story
My Birthing Philosophy
Placenta Encapsulation
Benefits of Divine Doula
Partners & Doulas: Working Together
Divine Doula in the News

I became pregnant in 2005 and at first, didn't give a single thought to how I would like to birth my baby. A trusted friend and midwife got me thinking about all the options. She suggested I have the baby naturally.




This was such a foreign concept to me, as natural childbirth does not seem to be very common anymore in our society. My husband and I signed up for a 12 week Bradley Course. This childbirth class made all the difference to me. Instead of relying on pain medication, I was equipped with knowledge of the birthing process and the tools I could use during labor and delivery.


                     Mom, dad, and baby


Knowledge drives out fear, and with the help of my husband, I was able to successfully deliver all four of my babies without any pain medication- three in the hospital and one at home with a midwife.


                            Mom kissing baby



The sense of fulfillment I got from these experiences was amazing and made me want to empower other women desiring to have a similar experience.


Women just like you. 


As a doula (ancient Greek word meaning "woman who serves"), I will walk you through every step of your maternity experience. My goal is to provide expectant women with gentle, loving, and educated counsel that stems from a natural and well-balanced approach to pregnancy/labor and delivery. 




                              My Five Kisses from Heaven